
Review Article

Importance of the radiations in water splitting for hydrogen generation

Gunel Imanova*, Ilkhom Bekpulatov, Anar Aliyev and Sami Barkaoui

Published: 14 March, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 031-036

The review article examines the production of molecular hydrogen from the decomposition of water by various irradiation methods. The article shows different types of radiation: UV radiation, visible radiation, gamma radiation, X-ray radiation and neutron radiation. Electrons generated by radiation inside a nanoparticle of radius R suspense in fluid water are diffused with equal probability in all directions inside the particle and gradually lose their kinetic energy as a result of elastic and inelastic collisions. Some of these electrons are transported to the nanoparticle surface during the physical and physicochemical stages of the process and emitted into the water. It is extremely important for the formation of nanostructured materials after exposure to ordered nanostructure from the new phase with a period of a few nanometers, promoting the preservation of the properties of materials under high irradiation.

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Radiolysis; Hydrogen generation; Radiations; Future perspectives; Safety measures


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