
Research Article

Buffer Solutions of known Ionic Strength

Víctor Cerdà* and Piyawan Phansi

Published: 20 June, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 051-056

pH buffer solutions are those in which minimal pH variations occur when moderate amounts of strong acids or bases are added or diluted. The most common buffers are those used in the intermediate pH zone and are made up of an acid-base conjugate pair (HA/A-), with Ca and Cb as analytical concentrations of acid and base respectively. The buffer capacity of a solution is the measure of its effectiveness in preserving the pH value when adding an acid or a base. Three new programs working under the Windows 10 environment have been developed. The first one, the BUFFER program, allows to prepare buffers of known ionic strength without the need of adding an inert electrolyte, calculating the pH and buffering capacity. On the other hand, the BRÖMSTED method allows calculating the pH of conjugated acid-base systems applying the Newton-Raphson method. In this work two more programs are described, one applying the Brömsted method to monoprotic acids and another new one to diprotic acids.

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pH calculation; Brömsted method; Buffer; Ionic strength


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