
Research Article

A Study on Potential Feed Sources to Boost Guppy Fish, Poecilia reticulata Productivity

CV Vedhavarshini, Swetha A, Harini Sri M, Kaviya K, Ann Suji H and Deivesigamani B*

Published: 02 May, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 008-011

Aquaculture may simply be referred as “Underwater Agriculture.”India is a major maritime state and an important aquaculture- based country in the worldhaving major aquaculture activitiesin the production of Carp from Freshwater,Shrimp from Brackish water, etc. Feed requirements of fish vary in quantity and quality according to the feeding habits, physiological stages of the species and environmental variations viz., temperature; amount and type of natural food availability in the culture system.A nutritious and cheap feed is a pre requested for profitable aquaculture. Though, use of commercially available feed is in practice in many countries. The feed cost consumes more Than half of running expenditure. Therefore, the search of nutritionally well-balanced feed Prepared from very cheap locally available ingredients in progress in all the aqua farming countries. In the present study, an attempt has been made to well-balanced nutritious feed Particularly from the locally available cheaper ingredients. The objectives of the present study are: to assess the effect of feed on the growth of finfish and shellfish in the laboratory, to prepare the conventional feed with traditional ingredients and to check the effect of feed on the growth performance of ornamental fish - Guppy, Poecilia reticulata.

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Aquaculture; Guppy; Poecilia reticulata; Feed; Ingredients; Growth


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