
Mini Review

Techno-econophysics’ Fractal Involving of Exergy Remarks

Widastra Hidajatullah Maksoed*

Published: 04 September, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 017-020

Inclusively new to econophysics studies, herewith proposed technoeconophysics as part of techno-economy, econophysics & sociophysics to interpret the description between probability and hypothesis found between fractal realms and econophysics of markets, physics markets, or stock markets any chaotic evidence [exergy destructive] could present if effective & efficient criterion doesn’t comply. A more precise iterative study ought to be held to configure how fractal dimension is involved in the techno-econophysics study of the Helium Nat Gas Project which is not integer, but also proofed numerically & analytically.

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Techno-econophysics; Fractals; Nat gas; Sociophysics; Helium; Econophysics


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